2022年9月14日下午在4号教学楼216会议室举行了“研究生学术创新奖”特等奖、一等奖答辩会,现将答辩评审结果予以公示,公示时间为2022年9月14日至9月17日。若对公示结果存在异议,请与教学办公室副主任杨雨飞老师(电话:027- 67813039 )联系,过时将不再处理相关问题。若在公示期内对评审结果无异议,学院将最终结果上报武汉大学研究生院。
序号 | 姓名 | 推荐等级 | 文章题目 |
1 | 黄兰祥 | 特等奖 | Engineered exosomes as an in situ DC-primed vaccine to boost antitumor immunity in breast cancer |
2 | 邓玲珑 | 一等奖 | Bioengineered miR-124-3p prodrug selectively alters the proteome of human carcinoma cells to control multiple cellular components and lung metastasis in vivo |
3 | 秦进发 | 一等奖 | Chitosan/collagen layer-by-layer deposition for improving the esophageal regeneration ability of nanofibrous mats |
4 | 王海洲 | 一等奖 | Subtyping of microsatellite stability colorectal cancer reveals guanylate binding protein 2 (GBP2) as a potential immunotherapeutic target |
5 | 吴旻昊 | 一等奖 | Bioinspired Redwood-Like Scaffolds Coordinated by InSitu-Generated Silica-Containing Hybrid NanocoatingsPromote Angiogenesis and Osteogenesis both In Vitro andIn Vivo |